티스토리 뷰

글로벌 마케팅 기업인 JWT 에서 '2011년에 주목해야 할 100가지 것들'이라는 제목으로 자료를 발간했는데 꽤 흥미롭군요.
Mobile Trend나 IT뿐만이 아닌 다양한 세계적 트랜드를 담은 슬라이드 파일입니다.

개인적으로는 음~~~

NFC(Near Field Communication), AR(Augmented Reality 증강현실), 아이들을 위한 E-Books, 모바일 Health시장의 개화 , Facebook 커머스....등

아래 30가지 정도가 꽤 관심이 가네요.
마케터나 트랜드 세터 뿐만이 아니라 많은 분들에게 아주 유용한 자료일것 같습니다.
100 Things To Watch in 2011

01. 3D Printing ...
03. Apps Beyond Mobile (Apple  App Store for Macs in January, Google Chrome Web Store, Mozilla Tools ...)
04. art.sy (Fresh off $1.25 million in funding from Google CEO Eric Schmidt and other big names...)
05. Auto Apps
06. Automatic Check-ins
08.Bank Branch Out
09. Banner Ads Do More

17. CHPCHA Advertising
18. Childrens's E-Book
27. Digital indoor Maps
32. E-Book Sharing
33. Facebook Alternatives ( onesocialweb, pip.io, ColleageOnly, The Fridge ...)
35. F-Commerce (Facebook Commerce Platform)

49. mHealth (Mobile Health care applications & Service)
51. Micro-Business (Product rental sites like Airbnb, Zilok and NeighborGoods...)
52. Mobile Blogging
53. Mobile Memes
56. Near Filed Communication (NFC)
67. Personal Taste Graphs

75. Scanning Everything (QR-Code Marketing)
81. Social Browsers go mainstream (IE/Safari/Chrome/Firefox vs. RockMelt & Flock)
82. Social Networking Surveillance
83. Social Objects (service like stickybits)

87. Tablets for Tots
88. Tap-to-Pay(The Digital Wallet)
93. Transmedia Producers
97. Video calling (Apple's Face Time, The Tango mobile, The next viber ...)
98. Virtual Mirrors (Augmented Reality)
99. Voice-Activated Apps ( Will enables us to talk rather than type into smart phones)

100. YouTube the Broadcaster

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